Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More cleaning

I guess I'll be doing a lot of before/after shots..... I went down last armed with more bleach. This time I put on the "Hobby Air" fresh air system. I thought I might better protect my lungs a little from the chlorine gas!

Just a little more scrubbing -  the walls were moldy where we removed the couches and sink areas.

Always nice to have things tidy!  A good spray of bleach and more elbow grease. 


  1. I have an old mask like that - Rafe got it at the plant where they had a lot of chlorine gas...you look funny...I wonder if the old army surplus ones would protect you...

    The walls look great...



    1. hey - the mask is attached to a 25' hose - and the hose is blowing outside fresh air up my nose! chilly but effective! love, k
